Thursday, December 13, 2007

Challenges in Performance Management System

Appraisal systems is a very delicate issue. becuase it reflects on a person's performance and how much he has expressed his efficiency expressed through his assignments and this has to be assessed by an another person. As an HR prfessional for 16 yrs, i have not introduced any assessment like bell curve/GE3x3 matrix etc. Rather i encouraged the Mnagers to have an assessment of their collegaues once in three months so that the good and follies can be remembered. And i have designed the performance  appraisal form in such a fashion that if an assessor says the truth he has to say from the beginning and if he wants to faslify his assessment he has to do it from the beginning. In a particular where i worked some of the assessments were based on caste. The dept head was giving a dubious exaggerated apparaisal for the employees belonged to his community.

When the appraisal is ultimately decided a human being it always a distorted one. But the HR dept can avoid such situation if the HR Team has a very close raport with the employees and to spend a rerasonable time in the production floor. And The HR team can personally visualise and experience the working style, dedication of the employees.

The ready made matrixes/tests will not give us a clear picture . In a psychological test conducted by a trainer, one of my worker;s assessment was he was soft and sincere who love his job and his family. But this worker has three wives, short tempered, very insincere but efficient worker. now what do you say?. He had given all false answers to the questions.

In my opinion all these performance management systems and processes and tests will not reflect true and sensible inferences. Human mind is very much corruptive and wicked it can tamper the processes and tests though man has very brilliant brain. You know an ordinary person with reasonable IQ had a brain surgery because he had ruptured arteries in two places. After the surgery he started painting his house with psykidelic paints with horrowing pictures which reflect that figures appeared inose paintings are not happy- expressing a distrubing feelings. After the surgery the brain started behaving in a different style. This also could be expressed by an ordinary person too.

Therefore  the best way to assess employees is by way of precise questionnaire and assessment by the HODs themselves without any bias and with common sense, analytical abilities with open mind. And  to measure its bonafide HR Team should have their own assessment according to their convenience.

Forced % si demotivating issue and gives a distorted opinion.


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